Corner love

Corners can be vile little spaces. The dwellings of cobwebs and creatures, and an occasional badly behaved kid.

However, corners can also be beautiful, cozy and warm, for those of us who enjoy the comfort of smaller spaces. That’s why I chose to have a Crochet Corner(that, and the nice ring to the name). Not a nook, or a niche, but a corner. I’ve never done anything conventionally, so why start now?

I created this corner so I could have a space to place all my crochet knick knacks, from my hooks to my most recent projects. And it’s not just a corner, mind you. It’s a multistory corner. And because of it’s size, I’ve been able to keep so much more than just my hobby in there. It’s also a place of colour and delight, which is what my life is all about.

I’ve always stressed the importance of a name. And the word corner does corner me sometimes, with the odd memory of a cobweb or roach. But taking something mediocre and slightly useless is what crochet is all about. A ball of yarn can be so much more. So can a corner.


Crochet corner


Crochet laptop cozies


Floating Crochet Nooks