Crochet , Food and Art

Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Green fingers !

I find it interesting to answer that big question of “What do I do?” And in the moments that follow when the person is waiting for an answer I have a storm in my head. Do I say I'm a teacher or a mother or perhaps a crocheter or even a baker……

Well now I have added a gardener to this cauldron . Our family is now experimenting with growing herbs like coriander, basil, mint , Mexican oregano as well as vegetables like Kailan and cucumber. It has been a tiring but wonderful experience watching each plant grow and flourish.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

The next thing….

Our minds are always stuck on the next thing. Whether it be tomorrow, the looming assignment, or the project you always mean to start, it is difficult to live in the moment.

The beginning of the new(next) year truly forces us to live the current moment. Yes, it’s exhilarating to imagine our potential and what we will accomplish, but New Year’s is like savouring the events of the final page of a chapter before flipping to the (next) page. A welcome breather from the inevitably hectic todo lists and calendar invites that invariably populate our heads.

And everything works better after being switched off for a while. I know this from experience. It’s the first solution to all tech problems - maybe we should be taking notes! But really, all this talk about new beginnings and chapters can get a little overwhelming sometimes, so I do prefer to have some threads anchoring me.

My threads will be crocheted into the next table runner I want to make. Don’t you think this one is just fabulous though? The chevron makes it dance and colours remind me of a warm weekend on the beach. I don’t know about you, but for 2022 my only new year’s resolution is to keep making things that make me feel like I’m on holiday. I recommend that everyone try it. In the absence of crocheting skills, you can always buy something from my (soon to be open) shop to remind you of a vacation.

I’ve told you my next thing - what is yours? Whatever it may be, I wish you all the best for your next chapter, or even book! See you in 2022!

P.S. I’ll keep you updated about that shop thing, so you’ll know when you can buy your own little slice of vacation nostalgia.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

A dynamically divine Diwali!!!

With the year almost coming to a close, it’s time to celebrate! The excitement borne from the anticipation of many lively and flamboyant festivities is contagious. During Diwali, even more so!

Diwali is all about the senses. The magical appearance of diyas, diffusing warmth and light into not just our homes but our hearts as well. The unmistakable perfumes of marigolds and agarbattis wafting into our waiting noses. Rangolis delight our eyes with an explosion of vivid colours, in tandem with the spirals and swirls on our diyas, a delicate dance for our eyes.

It’s no surprise that Diwali should inspire creativity, then. The day that celebrates the victory of light over darkness unchains the light in all of us. This was the inspiration for this cushion cover - the coming together of different hues, to mimic the fireworks and sparklers and dramatic outfits that come on display on Diwali. Crochet is my way of contributing to the celebrations with shades of yellow, blue and purple - all woven together with love. Happy Diwali!

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Whimsical holiday!

I think we can all agree that right now there is nothing we’d like to do more than settle down on a gorgeous beach with a good book, or walk through the alleys of Istanbul to admire the picturesque landscape. I can’t speak for everyone but absence makes the heart fonder.

Since I can’t be there in person, the vibrancy of the colourful shops in Jaipur and stark colours of the temples of Ubud are lost; banished to the sepia of my nostalgia. Watercolours are so bright and vibrant that they feel like a whimsical holiday, coloured with happiness.

And although not many of us give cards or notes to anyone anymore, in this age of having work, play and our whole lives on technology. I think it’s time to embrace the analogue, and bring the memories of the places we have been out of sepia, and into watercolour.

This collection mirrors the warm and excited feelings of strolling down the beautiful streets of Florence, or that first dewy breath in a new place.

Watercolours collection

Watercolours collection

Watercolours collection

Working through this collection not only felt like floating though a whimsical holiday but also was incredibly meditative…..

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Sun-dried tomatoes bread

Ingredients -

400 gms plain white flour + you could add a little oats, 1/4 or 1/2 cup atta(whole wheat flour)

1 sachet (11gms) of saf- instant Ragi instant dry baker's yeast OR 1 level table spoon dried yeast

300ml warm water/ use as per requirement

6 table spoons extra virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp salt

Cut 2 Sun dried tomatoes into small pieces

1/2 cup grated Cheese is optional

Dried Herbs like parsley, oregano, thyme, basil, rosemary

Chilli flakes(optional)


1. In a large bowl , mix yeast & sugar with warm water and stir thoroughly to combine evenly. Leave it until it rises( 20 minutes)

2. Add all the flours, herbs and a few sun-dried tomatoes with 5 tablespoons of the oil. Stir with a spoon, adding more water until the dough comes together.

3. Then turn out on to a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes.

4. Do not overknead it. You want to keep the dough fairly moist.

5. Place the kneaded dough in a large bowl lightly greased with olive oil. Cover the bowl with a cling film. Keep a napkin below and above and leave to prove in a warm corner for about 60 to 90 minutes or until doubled in size.

6. Once the dough has doubled in size turn it out again onto a floured surface and knead again for a couple of minutes.

7. Place it on a baking tray with baking paper. Cover with cling film. Keep in a warm corner for 40 minutes or until it has grown in size.

8. Next make a mixture of 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon water and salt.

9.Make indentations with oiled fingers and pour oil mixture (8) in the indentations.

10. Put some pieces of sun-dried tomatoes in the indentations too along with a few dried herbs.

11. Leave for 10 minutes.

12. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown at 190 degree C on the middle rack.

13. Before you take your bread out of the oven just tap it for a hollow sound. If there is no hollow sound keep it for a further 5 minutes.

14. Keep it on a wire rack to cool.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla


Life naturally branches off into realities filled with exhaustion, enrichment and ebullience. The natural brambles of less than pleasant emotions enhance our relationship with the warm, fuzzy ones. Flowers among the thorns that life can sometimes deal us.

Painting is one such branch. Experiences like painting or a conversation with a dear friend or even crocheting are incredibly restorative. I have recently explored the joys of water colours.

Life is so much more delicious when you can see itself pouring onto a canvas or into yarn or even just a scrap of paper. An essential for life, water dilutes the pigments yet somehow gives the painting life. There’s something about the soothing caress of the moist brush along the rough water colour paper that sends tingles through my spine, in an amazing way.

I love to plug into experiences that enrich and layer my life with experiential diaphanous jewellery, to adorn the best of the branches of my life.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Old friends never fail us!!

With an invisible enemy ravaging our species, it sometimes feels like instead of the virus, a pandemic of sadness has taken us by surprise. It’s like fallen confetti. You always seem to think that you’ve swept it all away, when really you’ll still be finding glitter in your hair three days later.

In this time, it’s all we can do to cling to the small threads of happiness we have. My personal threads are, of course, acrylic yarn. The threads I’ve been entwined in for so long, old friends, yet ones that never fail to stoke a cozy fire in me.

Amidst the melancholy of life, we do what we can to find things to celebrate. My daughter’s exams have concluded and she is free from the rough and constricting threads of stress and studying, although there is still time before she wraps herself in the warm and comfy threads of her own hobbies.

I've tried to ease the transition. These crocheted flowers are the perfect mood lifters for the occasion, and spice up the dejected air with an unmistakable scent of cheer.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Devices wrapped in Love

In this new digital age, technology is wrapped around us, like… well… a warm crocheted blanket. Or rather, a sterile, cold one. Sometimes it’s impossible to coexist with that steely, sharp side of tech, so of course I’ve got to balance it out. 

As they say, opposites attract, and I love to match them. A splash of charming chaos from the granny squares, a dash of the swirling colours of a tropical drink, and the texture of warm yarn, to offset the pallidity of my devices. With the systemic one’s and zero’s I’ve got the double crochet, single crochet and shell stitch, a device wrapped with love. 

I’m so glad because where I used to dread the first lift of my computer lid, I now find a refreshing bite in my candy coloured case, and ease in my heart that my laptop will be kept safe.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Happy New Year!

Nostalgia is a beautiful thing. It’s reminiscent tendrils are found in the many nooks and crannies of our minds. But most of the time, nostalgia needs a catalyst to appear.

It’s 2002. I’d just come home from a tiring day at work. I’m a high school teacher. Biology. My husband greets me at the door, surprising me with the news that he’s gotten a job in Singapore. As we celebrate over dinner, he tells me he needs to relocate soon. Without much warning we decided to take a trip to Amsterdam.

It was a rather rushed affair, but we realised even while living in England we really hadn’t travelled in nearby Europe. In Amsterdam we visited a flower market. We picked up a bunch of beautiful tulips, which I now correlate with our happy memories there.

I’ve made these crochet tulips as catalysts for my nostalgia. Catalysts to bring back memories from a last minute trip. Truth be told, we might have never gone on that trip had my husband not had to move to Singapore. We thought we had all the time in the world to see Europe. But if there is one thing that 2020 has taught me, it is that all the time in the world doesn’t exist. So in the new year, I urge you all to do the things you’ve always wanted to, before the tendrils of nostalgia snake in. Happy New Year!

My husband at the flower market in Amsterdam

My husband at the flower market in Amsterdam

My handcrafted crochet tulips!

My handcrafted crochet tulips!

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Diwali Joy!!

The radiance,optimism& euphoria that drifts through the air during Diwali is sublime.It is evocative of the fragrances , flavours and love of earlier years.

This is the season , when artistry ,charm and beauty fill every home and when cleaning your home is crucial in welcoming Goddess Laxmi. Likewise, sweeping away dampening memories and allowing light to stream through old dismal thoughts is your own personal triumph of good over evil.

Well, now that we have had a refreshing cleanse, time to get celebratory . The spirit of Diwali will always reside in the brightly coloured rangolis, the glittering lights ,the lanterns, dazzling marigold flowers and of course the mouthwatering food.


This Diwali my goal was to crochet a lantern .I was delighted when it was complete and hanging in my entryway . My own personal celebration of an art form through these crochet rangolis and lantern...... May you all find a reason to celebrate and be joyful this festive season. Happy Diwali!!

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Crochet Art

An ancient art or perhaps craft adorning the walls is the ultimate garnish for a home.

This large granny square with sunlight twinkling through on most mornings is gratifying.

It was one of those days I was wistfully crocheting with no serious plan and came up with this beauty . Then ,all I did was mount it on an unused chopstick and we had a piece of ancient art to gawk at.

Ahaa, unused chopsticks ....which brings me right onto this next beauty. I'm sure this happens to a lot of us.....artists. Something breaks at home and instead of moping all day .....we are already mind mapping a new piece that we can create.

So here I was with this old rubber ring from a pressure cooker and all I kept dreaming in it was a mandala. Well ,a mandala dreamcatcher seemed ideal. Did you know that a dreamcatcher filters dreams and only lets in good dreams ……….Sweet dreams then to all of you and adiós until the next time.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Back to School

Back to school stationery is an essential. Whether you’re learning remotely or going back to school, you’ve got to be equipped with the right stationery. I, for one, will not let my daughter brave the perilous world of Grade 10 without the items she needs. Oh, and of course. This year, we’ll be doing it in style. 

So here’s the back to school bundle that my daughter’s carrying into school with her. There’s nothing like a unique, bespoke pencil case to make you stand out. Speaking from experience, it’s a great conversation starter too! This one has especially beautiful colours, and is super vibrant, just the thing to lighten your mood in those serious morning lessons. 

The pen holder can be made to work for any kind of notebook, and is quite useful for strapping that one beloved pen to your notebook. The one you always reach for but inevitably ends up getting lost in your bottomless pencil pouch. 

And last but not least, the original pencil case. As they say, a new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners. This pencil case made from granny squares has undergone the test of time, and is guaranteed to withstand anything. I’ve washed this pencil case numerous times over the years, and it still looks as good as new. 

So, what are you waiting for? Be unique, quirky and stand out this year. Even if you have to show off your special stationery on a screen!

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Kindle Cozy!

Flipping through novels, thumbing through magazines, and swiping through an ebook on a kindle. We all have preferences while reading, and my family is no exception.

I love the feel of the glossy paper of a magazine, while my husband is always encouraging us to try something new, whether it be audio books or reading on the iPad. My daughter is more single minded though, recently preferring to stick to her beloved Kindle. A really tatty thing it was too, after years of overuse by attachment.

A new, vibrant cover has given it a new lease of life (as she says), and it just goes to show that money isn't all that is needed to create something beautiful. A bookmark or a cover, I really love to create things that brighten an avid reader's experience, or bring a reluctant one into the wonderful world of books.

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Crochet laptop cozies

I can't believe it's already summer! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were enjoying the cool temperatures of December, and now it's July!

I bet everyone is just longing for something cool to battle the heat... Like a cold drink, slushie, or an ice cream cone! As it turns out, July is National Ice Cream Month in the US, and we are celebrating here with these deliciously vibrant laptop cases. And yes, three of them.

Obviously, the more colour the merrier. They say third time's a charm, but I guess I got lucky with each case, one for my daughter and two for her best friends😊.

Crochet laptop cozies!

Crochet laptop cozies!

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Smriti Chowla Smriti Chowla

Corner love

Corners can be vile little spaces. The dwellings of cobwebs and creatures, and an occasional badly behaved kid.

However, corners can also be beautiful, cozy and warm, for those of us who enjoy the comfort of smaller spaces. That’s why I chose to have a Crochet Corner(that, and the nice ring to the name). Not a nook, or a niche, but a corner. I’ve never done anything conventionally, so why start now?

I created this corner so I could have a space to place all my crochet knick knacks, from my hooks to my most recent projects. And it’s not just a corner, mind you. It’s a multistory corner. And because of it’s size, I’ve been able to keep so much more than just my hobby in there. It’s also a place of colour and delight, which is what my life is all about.

I’ve always stressed the importance of a name. And the word corner does corner me sometimes, with the odd memory of a cobweb or roach. But taking something mediocre and slightly useless is what crochet is all about. A ball of yarn can be so much more. So can a corner.


Crochet corner

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Floating Crochet Nooks


Some new homes on sale! These little crocheted nooks are the perfect homes for stuffed toys and animals! They’re ideal to display keepsakes and little toys safe and sound, and they make perfect wall or window hangings. You may think that there’s no way these big eyed fluffy toys can be even cuter, but you’d be surprised what a little altitude can do. Floating these little guys in the air also means that they don’t attract as much dust as they do on ground level, giving your home a fresh, clean look. They’re also washable, colourful and super cute! A bargain no stuffed animal will give up!

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Food Smriti Chowla Food Smriti Chowla

Delectable Dough Balls

For me, a daily non-negotiable is dinner with my family. And let me tell you, this is not an easy thing to achieve. All three of us have profoundly busy lives. But I seem to find that being busy brings a balmy feeling. It keeps an idle mind at bay. 

So when all of us arrive at home in a spent heap, that warmth has somewhat vanished. But that’s what’s so great about my family. When something is absent, we make it ourselves. But in a hot country like Singapore, a nice fire burning in a fireplace doesn’t do the trick. And we aren’t looking for heat anyway. 

How do I kindle that spirit in our bodies? Well I’m glad you asked. It all comes down to one of the most basic human needs. Nutrition. While my husband and daughter have been busy writing reports and tumbling at gymnastics, respectively, I’ve been no less busy, working wonders in the kitchen. 

All foods are delectable, but our ultimate comfort foods are some dough balls with tomato soup. You simply cannot beat the literal and figurative warmth the soup brings, and there’s no way to find fault with these adorable dough balls.

Dough balls.jpeg

Ingredients -

Dough balls- 450 gms plain white flour

1 level table spoon dried yeast 300ml warm water/ use as per requirement

6 table spoons olive oil

1/2 tsp salt

Garlic butter-

100gms butter

2 cloves of garlic minced

Salt, pepper as per taste

Fresh parsley finely chopped


1. In a large bowl , mix together the flour, yeast & salt and stir thoroughly to combine evenly.

2. Make a well in the centre of the flour and add the water slowly with 5 tablespoons of the oil. Stir with a spoon, adding more water if needed until the dough comes together.

3. Then turn out on to a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes.

4. Do not overknead it. You want to keep the dough fairly moist.

5. Place the kneaded dough in a large bowl lightly greased with olive oil. Cover the bowl with a cling film. Keep a napkin below and above and leave to prove in a warm corner for about 60 to 90 minutes or until doubled in size.

6. Once the dough has doubled in size turn it out again onto a floured surface and knead again for a couple of minutes.

7. Cut the dough in half and continue cutting in halves until you have 32 equal pieces.

8. Shape them into little balls and place on a flat baking tray lined with baking paper.

9. Cover again with oiled cling film and place to prove for another 30 minutes.

10. After 30 minutes brush the top of each dough ball with olive oil and sprinkle with a little salt.

11. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown at 190 degree C on the middle rack.

12. For the golden top , I like to keep the dough balls an extra 3 minutes on the top rack.

13. For the garlic butter , soften the butter and mix it with minced garlic, salt, pepper and parsley.

14. Serve dough balls warm with garlic butter.

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Food Smriti Chowla Food Smriti Chowla

Strazzata Lucana-the Saturn shaped bread!

My daughter has long since dreamed of the astronomic world, whereas I have dedicated myself to the gastronomic world.

And now, it seems that these two worlds are colliding in an interesting way. Through this yummy bread, Strazzata Lucana. Some may say that its shape is of a large donut, but my daughter says it reminds her of the rings of Saturn.

And like outer space, this gastronomical wonder is a mixture of matter. While in space there is matter, antimatter and a smatter of black holes, this bread incorporates some unlikely ingredients too.

We've got our regular plain flour, semolina and the portion of garlic that I added for the extra bang of a supernova. I think the freshly ground pepper and the paprika I added also contribute to its rich, hot and starry inside when torn.



This bread can be torn with your hands and eaten with cheese , soup , baked vegetables or any dip that you fancy.


15gms/1 tablespoon dry yeast

About 320ml/1and1/2 cups of lukewarm water 250gms/2 cups plain flour or bread flour

250gms/1 and 1/2 cups semolina flour

5gms about 1 Tsp salt

1tsp of grated garlic or more if you love garlic

A pinch of sugar

Black pepper as per your taste

1 Tsp of mixed dried Italian herbs

1 Tsp of dried parsley

Line a large flat baking tray with baking paper.

Dissolve yeast in the Luke warm water with the sugar.

Mix the flours , salt , dried herbs ,garlic and black pepper together.

Add the yeast mixture and mix to form a dough.

Knead for 5 to 7 minutes , cover with cling film and leave to rest in a warm place for 1 to 2 hours or until doubled in size.

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface .

Work it and knead it for a couple of minutes.

Make a sausage shape of the dough and form a ring.

Place on the prepared baking tray.

You can keep a ball of foil or a foil covered bowl in the centre do that the bread remains a ring.

Cover with a cling film and leave to rest in a warm place for an hour.

Preheat the oven to 220 degC/ 475 degF .

Bake the strazzata in the oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Remove from oven , leave to cool on a wire rack.

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Paw Coasters! Woof!

We humans are social animals. It’s no secret. Now that the cat's been let out of the bag, and the humans out of their homes, a good cup of giggly gossip with our friends is just what some of us need.

The smallest things cultivate the most warmth. And these paw coasters do just that - they warm my heart and protect my tables. And if so much time away from each other has left you wondering what to talk about, these coasters are perfect conversation cultivation. Credits to AmiaMikancl Crochet’s youtube channel for the design. I’m barking with delight!

Two friends having coffee with our paw coasters! Satisfied customers!

Two friends having coffee with our paw coasters! Satisfied customers!

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Crochet table runner!

Here’s to the old memories, the warm hugs this time tested table has given us, and the countless dinner parties that have been hosted here. The freshly baked brownies made with love from my reliable recipe.

While memories give us a warm and cozy feeling, I decided to dive into fresh waters in the new year with this new crocheted table runner! After all, when else would I be given the chance to display the past hand in hand with the present?

The new year is the best time for me to reminisce the old, and glimpse the refreshing future ahead.

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