Devices wrapped in Love

In this new digital age, technology is wrapped around us, like… well… a warm crocheted blanket. Or rather, a sterile, cold one. Sometimes it’s impossible to coexist with that steely, sharp side of tech, so of course I’ve got to balance it out. 

As they say, opposites attract, and I love to match them. A splash of charming chaos from the granny squares, a dash of the swirling colours of a tropical drink, and the texture of warm yarn, to offset the pallidity of my devices. With the systemic one’s and zero’s I’ve got the double crochet, single crochet and shell stitch, a device wrapped with love. 

I’m so glad because where I used to dread the first lift of my computer lid, I now find a refreshing bite in my candy coloured case, and ease in my heart that my laptop will be kept safe.


Old friends never fail us!!


Happy New Year!