Whimsical holiday!

I think we can all agree that right now there is nothing we’d like to do more than settle down on a gorgeous beach with a good book, or walk through the alleys of Istanbul to admire the picturesque landscape. I can’t speak for everyone but absence makes the heart fonder.

Since I can’t be there in person, the vibrancy of the colourful shops in Jaipur and stark colours of the temples of Ubud are lost; banished to the sepia of my nostalgia. Watercolours are so bright and vibrant that they feel like a whimsical holiday, coloured with happiness.

And although not many of us give cards or notes to anyone anymore, in this age of having work, play and our whole lives on technology. I think it’s time to embrace the analogue, and bring the memories of the places we have been out of sepia, and into watercolour.

This collection mirrors the warm and excited feelings of strolling down the beautiful streets of Florence, or that first dewy breath in a new place.

Watercolours collection

Watercolours collection

Watercolours collection

Working through this collection not only felt like floating though a whimsical holiday but also was incredibly meditative…..


A dynamically divine Diwali!!!


Sun-dried tomatoes bread