
Life naturally branches off into realities filled with exhaustion, enrichment and ebullience. The natural brambles of less than pleasant emotions enhance our relationship with the warm, fuzzy ones. Flowers among the thorns that life can sometimes deal us.

Painting is one such branch. Experiences like painting or a conversation with a dear friend or even crocheting are incredibly restorative. I have recently explored the joys of water colours.

Life is so much more delicious when you can see itself pouring onto a canvas or into yarn or even just a scrap of paper. An essential for life, water dilutes the pigments yet somehow gives the painting life. There’s something about the soothing caress of the moist brush along the rough water colour paper that sends tingles through my spine, in an amazing way.

I love to plug into experiences that enrich and layer my life with experiential diaphanous jewellery, to adorn the best of the branches of my life.


Sun-dried tomatoes bread


Old friends never fail us!!