Crochet , Food and Art

Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

The Forever Succulents !

I've always been someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, while living in an urban jungle. It's nice to see hints of lime, guacamole and apple greens once in a while among the beige blur that is the rest of the world.

But I also recognise that most aren't lucky enough to have the space or time to house plants in their homes. But if you can't take care of a real plant - get creative! Sow your own seeds, ones that once grown, will last forever.

Plants can wither, but art lives forever. And so I've named these pieces of art the forever succulents.

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Art Smriti Chowla Art Smriti Chowla

Art .

The difference between a luxury resort and your home should be the deeply personal journey that your home evokes. Where luxurious hotels incorporate gilded touches,, sometimes that gold blinds us from what we should really be seeing. . Art

Art work thrives on originality, whereas gold is uniform. Sometimes the gold isn't what we need.

Art work is your personal visual voice. Surround yourself with artwork that has a deep connection with your personal journey, your memories and your travel.

Not only should your home be sensual, it should also incorporate quirks, imperfections and a touch of whimsy. Perfection is but an unattainable goal. Sew that connection between you and your art, and don't ever sever it.

These are my ungilded, untainted artistic pleasures.

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Art Smriti Chowla Art Smriti Chowla

Home !

There is no place like home ! The sense of joy that fills me when I enter home is unrivalled.

The sight of family , my cherished treasures , breathtaking views , artisan objects , gorgeous textiles are all as comforting as warm chocolate brownies on a cold winter's day .

Every room needs something that says 'touch me', and I felt that I needed something to brighten up my brown table. Touch me comes from the vibrancy of colour. Colours that complement each other exude touch me vibes.

Touch me is a lifestyle that all the objects in my house live. This spectacular fabric from remains of a pattu saree is now a dazzling table runner, screaming to you... Touch Me!

Pattu saree table runner!

Pattu saree table runner!

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Crochet, Art Smriti Chowla Crochet, Art Smriti Chowla

Crochet Diwali!!

The festival of lights is awaited with excitement . Preparation for this fabulous festival starts weeks in advance. Homes are bathed in colour, becoming paintings for all the senses. Sensational fragrances and aromas fill all the rooms. My home is no exception. There is colour , delicious food , foot tapping music and beauty in the air. So.... here I present you with the crochet rangoli! It’s sustainable, exclusive and creative!

Crochet Rangoli !!

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Crochet bohemian lampshade

Love, life and crochet. A bright mid summer day(it's literally the middle of summer!) is warmed further by a steaming cup of tea, and lit up by an unconventional crochet lampshade to please us bohemians. A throwback to the past with a vintage tablecloth, past and present joining hands for something beautiful. An unfinished painting as an after thought in the background, complemented by the dark green hues of the money plant. A metaphor that everything and everyone can always grow, and that our capacity is endless.

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Crochet plant baskets.

In my conversations with near and dear ones, I do discern a yearning to return to 'the simple life' However , a lot of us are trapped in this vicious circle of trends and hyperconsumerism. It seems that the only silver lining in these unprecedented covid times is that all of us are boldly embracing 'the simple life.' So I see a revival of baking, gardening, sewing and everyone genuinely taking delight in it. We've all found ways to make our happiness and learn to take joy in working for it, rather than taking the all too familiar route of instant gratification. I've found my delight in my crocheted plant baskets which add a riot of colour and joy at home.

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Circular cuties

We always want more from life . We’re never satisfied with what we have . We're always in need of more hours in a day - more than we have . We want to plunge into all the activities we love doing . Then why is it when we are given this opportunity to do so , we consistently fail to see this opportunity?

We're all stuck in our homes for a while . It should be a time for us to find ourselves within the four walls we've built so caringly. Keeping ourselves engaged in our homes is really the only thing we can do right now while there are brave covid warriors who are working incredibly hard to protect us .

With that , I present to you the rays of sunshine I've created to be by my side in these dire times . Working on these circular cuties has been keeping me creatively occupied while I stay at home . Crocheted bags are my weakness , they never fail to make an impact.

I've always believed that if you can't go out and feel the sun on your skin - create your own.


Circular cuties !!

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Crochet Smriti Chowla Crochet Smriti Chowla

Crochet wonderland !!

It all begins with an idea.

My home is both a boutique and a laboratory for my experiments with blending materials , cultures and styles . Blending textiles , gorgeous patterns and a touch of whimsy gives a home a snug and toasty feeling.

These cheery crocheted flowers are certain to lift your spirits when you saunter into a room . If that wasn't enough a plush crocheted cushion will make you slink into this couch with a cuppa. A space that perhaps inspires you to pen your thoughts or sketch or just dream….

My Crochet Cushion!

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